Tuesday, September 11, 2007

She was a Splishin' and a Splashin'

Hey Everybody, it's Brian. I thought I'd get on and write a little bit about our morning since Colby's too tired to right now, and I don't blame her! Orianna was up this morning around 5 having bouts of diarrhea, so Colb got up and cleaned her crate and we gave her a bath. Colb had the vet look at her and the vet put her on antibiotics for a bacterial infection, so hopefully that'll knock it out. If not, we'll get a poop sample next week to send off to the lab to test for someother things, Colby says.

So, it's been a long day. We closed Orianna in our bathroom why we had to be away today instead of the crate, just because her tummy had been upset and that way if she did have an accident she could get out of it and not get disgusting. We had been sure we hadn't left anything that she could get to in that bathroom...we overlooked something. Well, Colby came home from practice (she's helping the high school' drama production) and Orianna had gloriously strewn toilet paper around the room. Oh, well, at least she didn't have any more diarrhea!

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