Saturday, September 15, 2007

E.T. Phone Home

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Orianna's blog! Orianna is doing super this week. We're working on Let's Go, which she is doing well with but has only been working on it a short time. We're alos working on here, which she does well with except for the fact that she HOPS to you like a cricket instead of walks to you, so we're working on, um, not being QUITE so enthusiastic on our Here! Well, some of the other family members have, well, demanded that they be allowed to post tonight (and also that pictures of them be included beside their posts), so without further ado, I'll let Sawyer go first since he's oldest.

Thanks, Mom! Well, as you all know, as resident Garfield of the house, I don't really get off my bum a whole terrible lot, but occassionally I do sneak a peek at what Orianna is doing, you know, during that time when I'm rolling over and peer out to make sure the world is still turning between my naps. Thing is, she actually wakes me up from my naps sometimes with her crazy GRUNTS! We have all talked about how she grunts louder than Kekah, but we've finally come to a consensus on what she sounds like: E.T.!!! Turning it on over to Kekah, now, who I sometimes sit outside the babygate with (see pic below) to watch Orianna's training sessions...

I, who am Kekah-Boo, am a little upset about the fact that I didn't get to go first...I know I'm not the oldest, but I was here first, and as the only former CCI pup in this house (the only other PUP in this house besides Anna, period!) I think I know more about dog things. She's doing really well. She's getting better about not chewing things she not supposed to, so all those Don'ts are finally sinking in. She had a little bit of a tummy issue earlier in this week (diarrhea, ugh), but that seems cleared up now. Roxie?

Well, let me say that I resent that I am going last, but you know what they say about saving the BEST...Anyhow, a BIT of a tummy issue? That MONGREL was using the bathroom on the FLOOR! Doesn't she at least know to make it to the box if you have to go? I, of course, know that her giving up chewing on furniture is a sign of weakness, a sign that she has resigned herself to life as a subordinate. Oh, well, there was never much hope for her anyway- she's not a cat.

Um, thanks Roxie. Well, that's about it from our end. We've had a nice Saturday and it's past Anna's bedtime! Nighty night!

1 comment:

Ally and Eclipse said...

I know I don't comment much but I really enjoy reading Orianna's blog! It's very entertaining and well-written! If you would like to read my blog (it's private and doesn't currently have much to do with puppy raising although every now and then I post about past and future pups) you can e-mail me at (I'm Coreena from Oregon's twin sister)
